Our Shoo Fly Insect Repellant contains 10 Essential Oils to keep the bugs away. With this product, it is recommended that you shake it before use, and apply every 4-6 hours as needed. The Essential Oils in this Natural Bug Spray are: Lemon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Citronella, Rosemary, Lemongrass, Peppermint and Lavender.
This not only smells good, but also contains Essential Oils that are natural Repellents. It is safe enough to eat, but not recommended. It is safe enough for horses, dogs and kids. Please do not use it on cats, as cats are sensitive to Essential Oils.
Many of our customers use this when camping or in the woods. It is often used to repel ticks, mosquitoes and more.
Some of our customers use it to spray on wood piles to keep the bugs at bay. We have even had a few people buy it to use year round just because they love the way that it smells.
Our Shoo Fly comes in two sizes… 4 oz and 8 oz.
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